
Inspired by Luke Smith. Much like with his personal library:

"I haven't read every book here, nor do I own all the books I've read or like. I also don't necessarily like all the books I own."

I may one day reorganize this list by LCC classification, but for now it's sorted into my own categories. Deal with it.

Philosophy & Political Science

  • Aristotle – The Rhetoric and Poetics
  • Aurelius, Marcus – Meditations
  • Belloc, Hillaire – The Servile State
  • Bronze Age Pervert – Bronze Age Mindset
  • Durant, Will – The Story of Philosophy
  • Epictetus – Discourses, Fragments, Handbook
  • Feyerabend, Paul – Against Method
  • Hobbes, Thomas – Leviathan
  • Kaczynski, Theodore – Industrial Society and It's Future
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò – The Prince
  • Miyamoto, Musashi – The Book of Five Rings
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich – On the Geneaology of Morals
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich – The Portable Nietzsche
  • Plato – The Republic
  • Russell, Bertrand – The Problems of Philosophy
  • Searle, John – The Mystery of Consciousness
  • Seneca – Letters from a Stoic
  • Thoreau, Henry David – Civil Disobedience
  • Various Authors – The Art of War & Other Eastern Philosophy Classics

  • Self-Help & Psychology

  • Bush, Ryan – Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture
  • Carnegie, Dale – How to Win Friends and Infleunce People
  • Clear, James – Atomic Habits
  • Frankl, Viktor – Man's Search for Meaning
  • Garcia & Miralles – Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
  • Gracián, Baltasar – The Art of Worldly Wisdom
  • Greene, Robert – The 48 Laws of Power
  • Perry, John – The Art of Procrastination

  • History

  • Glenny, Misha – The Fall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan War
  • Herodotus – The Histories
  • Suetonius – The Twelve Caesars

  • Religion & Theology, Spirituality

  • Chesterton, G.K. – The Everlasting Man
  • Chesterton, G.K. – Orthodoxy
  • Dalai Lama – The Universe in a Single Atom
  • Fradd & Delfino – Does God Exist?
  • Horn, Trent – Why We're Catholic
  • Lewis, C.S. – Mere Christianity
  • Mathewes-Green, Frederica – Welcome to the Orthodox Church
  • Maharaj, Nisargadatta – I Am That
  • Various Authors – Orthodox Christian Prayers
  • Rinpoche, Sogyal – The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
  • Rose, Hieromonk Seraphim – God's Revelation to the Human Heart
  • Rose, Hieromonk Seraphim – Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
  • Sheed, Frank – Theology and Sanity
  • Various Authors – The Holy Bible (RSV2CE)
  • Watts, Alan – Become What You Are

  • Classical & Medieval Literature, Mythology ( < 1500 AD)

  • Homer – The Illiad
  • Homer – The Odyssey

  • Classic Literature (1500 - 1950)

  • Dostoyevsky, Fyodor – Crime and Punishment
  • Dostoyevsky, Fyodor – The Brothers Karamazov
  • Dostoyevsky, Fyodor – The Idiot
  • Frost, Robert – The Poetry of Robert Frost
  • Hemingway, Ernest – For Whom the Bell Tolls
  • Hemingway, Ernest – A Farewell to Arms
  • Poe, Edgar Allen – The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
  • Tolstoy, Leo – Anna Karenina
  • Tolstoy, Leo – War and Peace
  • Yoshikawa, Eiji – Musashi

  • Contemporary Literature (1950 - Pres.)

  • Herbert, Frank – Dune
  • Ma, Mike – Gothic Violence
  • Ma, Mike – Harassment Architecture
  • Mishima, Yukio – Spring Snow
  • Mishima, Yukio – The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
  • Murakami, Haruki – Kafka on the Shore
  • Palahniuk, Chuck – Fight Club
  • Tolkein, J.R.R. – The Hobbit
  • Tolkein, J.R.R. – The Lord of the Rings (30th Anniversary One Volume Edition)
  • Tolkein, J.R.R. – The Silmarillion

  • Memoir, Biography & Autobiography

  • Brodie, Fawn – Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History
  • Jünger, Ernst – The Storm of Steel
  • Kemp, Peter – Mine Were of Trouble
  • Thoreau, Henry David – A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
  • Thoreau, Henry David – The Maine Woods
  • Thoreau, Henry David – Walden

  • Tea

  • Gascoyne, Kevin – Tea: History, Terroirs, Varieties
  • Okakura, Kakuzō – The Book of Tea
  • Sōsen, Tyas – The Story of Japanese Tea
  • Zavadckyte, Simona – Japanese Tea: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Nonfiction (Other)

  • Blechman, Andrew – Pigeons
  • Dulaney, Emmett – CompTIA Network+ N10-008 Exam Cram
  • Gamow, George – Thirty Years that Shook Physics
  • Horschig, Aaron – Rebuilding Milo
  • Lonely Planet – Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
  • Malkiel, Burton – A Random Walk Down Wall Street
  • Matthews, Michael – Bigger Leaner Stronger
  • Mitchell, Ryan – Web Scraping with Python
  • Pellman Good, Phyllis – Fix-It And Forget-It Big Cookbook
  • Schwarzenegger, Arnold – The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
  • United States Department of Defense – U.S. Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76
  • Wigginton, Eliot – Foxfire 5

  • Language

  • Brown, Nicholas – The New Penguin Russian Course
  • Collar & Daniell – First Latin Book
  • DeFrancis, John – Beginning Chinese
  • DeFrancis, John – Beginning Chinese Reader, Part 1
  • Hispalensis, Isidorus – Etymologiae
  • Ørberg, Hans – Colloquium Personarum (Lingua Latina)
  • Ørberg, Hans – Exercitia Latina (Lingua Latina)
  • Ørberg, Hans – Lingua Latina per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana
  • Tokashiki, Kyoko – Genki 1 Second Edition

  • Manga

  • Inoue, Takehiko – Vagabond (VIZBIG Vol. 1-12)
  • Miura, Kentaro – Berserk (Deluxe Vol. 1-3)
  • Oima, Yoshitoki – A Silent Voice (Vol. 1-7)
  • Tsukumizu – Girls' Last Tour (Vol. 1-6)
  • Tsukumizu – Girls' Last Tour (Japanese, Vol. 6 Limited Edition)
  • Tsukumizu – Shimeji Simulation (Japanese, Vol. 1-5)
  • Various Authors – Girls' Last Tour Anthology Comic (Japanese, Vol. 1-2)

  • Photography & Art Books

  • Edgoose, Josh – 10 Miles West
  • Ellingham, Cody – DERIVE Wanderer (Zine 3-5)
  • Griffiths, Annie – National Geographic Stunning Photographs
  • Herzog, Fred – Modern Color
  • Spataro, Roman – Home Before the Harvest
  • Sushio – The Idol
  • Wong, Liam – After Dark
  • Wong, Liam – TO:KY:00
  • KADOKAWA – Girls' Last Tour Setting Material Collection
  • Verbeek, Willem – Walking Svalbard
  • VILL4IN – 3rd Special Edition Magazine
  • VILL4IN – VOID-002 Magazine